STOTT PILATES: Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition

STOTT PILATES: Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition

Are you looking to enhance your Pilates routine? Look no further than the Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition by STOTT PILATES. This instructional DVD is designed to help you master 45 exercises that can be performed using the Cadillac, Rotational Disks, platform Extender, and Stability Chair. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, this DVD is suitable for all fitness levels.

Why Choose the Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition?

With the Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition, you can take your Pilates practice to the next level. This comprehensive DVD provides step-by-step instructions for each exercise, ensuring that you perform them correctly and effectively. The Cadillac, Rotational Disks, platform Extender, and Stability Chair add variety and challenge to your routine, helping you achieve your fitness goals faster.

Key Features:

  • 45 exercises to target different muscle groups
  • Instructional level suitable for all fitness levels
  • Equipment required: Cadillac, Rotational Disks, platform Extender, Stability Chair

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Can I use this DVD if I’m a beginner?
  2. Yes, the Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition is suitable for all fitness levels, including beginners. The DVD provides clear instructions and modifications for each exercise, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

  3. Do I need to have the equipment mentioned?
  4. Yes, the exercises in this DVD require the use of the Cadillac, Rotational Disks, platform Extender, and Stability Chair. These equipment pieces are designed to enhance your Pilates practice and provide additional support and resistance.

  5. How long is the DVD?
  6. The Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition DVD has a total running time of approximately 90 minutes.


If you’re looking to add variety and challenge to your Pilates routine, the Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition by STOTT PILATES is a must-have. With 45 exercises and the use of the Cadillac, Rotational Disks, platform Extender, and Stability Chair, this DVD will help you achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall strength and flexibility. Suitable for all fitness levels, this instructional DVD provides clear instructions and modifications, ensuring that you perform each exercise correctly and safely. Take your Pilates practice to the next level with the Essential Cadillac 2nd Edition.