42 Litedisc Silver/White

Discover the 42 Litedisc Silver/White

Are you looking for a versatile and high-quality photography and videography tool? Look no further than the 42 Litedisc Silver/White. This innovative product is designed to meet the needs of professionals and hobbyists alike, providing a range of benefits that will take your creative projects to the next level.

Key Features

1. Dual-Sided Design

The 42 Litedisc features a dual-sided design, with one side coated in silver and the other in white. This allows for versatile light manipulation, whether you need to bounce, diffuse, or reflect light in your photography or videography.

2. Portable and Lightweight

Weighing just a few ounces, the Litedisc is highly portable and easy to transport to any location. Whether you’re shooting in a studio or on location, this tool won’t weigh you down.

3. Durable Construction

Constructed with high-quality materials, the Litedisc is built to last. You can rely on it for countless shoots without worrying about wear and tear.

Benefits for Photographers and Videographers

The 42 Litedisc Silver/White offers a range of benefits for professionals and enthusiasts in the photography and videography fields. Whether you’re a portrait photographer, a product photographer, or a filmmaker, this tool can enhance your work in numerous ways.

Portrait Photographers

  • Enhance natural light for flattering portraits
  • Create catchlights in the eyes for added depth

Product Photographers

  • Control and manipulate light for product shots
  • Eliminate harsh shadows for a clean, professional look


  • Diffuse and soften light for cinematic effects
  • Reflect light to fill in shadows and add dimension


Q: Is the Litedisc easy to fold and unfold?

A: Yes, the Litedisc is designed for quick and easy folding and unfolding, making it convenient for use on the go.

Q: Can the Litedisc be used with artificial lighting?

A: Absolutely! The Litedisc is compatible with both natural and artificial lighting sources, giving you maximum flexibility in any shooting environment.


The 42 Litedisc Silver/White is a must-have tool for photographers and videographers who demand versatility, quality, and portability. With its dual-sided design, durable construction, and range of benefits, it’s an essential addition to any creative toolkit.