Handbook of Water Purity and Quality

Handbook of Water Purity and Quality

Water is an essential resource for all living beings. It is crucial to ensure that the water we consume is pure and of high quality. The Handbook of Water Purity and Quality, written by Gajraj Singh and published in January 2012, is the ultimate guide to understanding and maintaining water purity.

The Importance of Water Quality

Water quality plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. Poor water quality can lead to various health issues, including gastrointestinal problems, skin irritations, and even long-term illnesses. It is essential to be aware of the potential contaminants present in water sources and take necessary measures to ensure its purity.

Common Contaminants

There are several common contaminants that can affect water quality. These include bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals. Understanding the sources and effects of these contaminants is crucial in implementing effective purification methods.

Bacteria and Viruses

Bacteria and viruses are microorganisms that can cause waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. These contaminants can enter water sources through sewage, animal waste, or contaminated soil. Proper disinfection methods, such as chlorination or ultraviolet (UV) treatment, can effectively eliminate these harmful microorganisms.

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic can leach into water sources from industrial waste, mining activities, or corroded pipes. Prolonged exposure to these metals can lead to severe health problems, including neurological disorders and organ damage. Filtration systems equipped with activated carbon or reverse osmosis can effectively remove heavy metals from water.

Effective Purification Methods

The Handbook of Water Purity and Quality provides comprehensive information on various purification methods to ensure clean and safe drinking water. These methods include:

  1. Boiling: Boiling water kills most bacteria and viruses, making it safe to drink.
  2. Filtration: Filtration systems can remove impurities such as sediment, chlorine, and some bacteria.
  3. Reverse Osmosis: This process uses a semipermeable membrane to remove contaminants, including heavy metals and dissolved solids.
  4. UV Treatment: Ultraviolet light can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms present in water.
  5. Chemical Disinfection: Chlorination and ozonation are commonly used methods to disinfect water and eliminate harmful microorganisms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I test my water quality?

A: It is recommended to test your water quality at least once a year. However, if you notice any changes in taste, odor, or appearance of the water, it is advisable to test it immediately.

Q: Can I rely on bottled water for purity?

A: Bottled water can be a convenient option, but it is essential to check the source and quality of the water. Some bottled water brands may not undergo rigorous testing and may not be as pure as claimed.

Q: Are home filtration systems effective?

A: Home filtration systems can be highly effective in removing contaminants from water. However, it is crucial to choose a system that suits your specific needs and regularly maintain and replace the filters as recommended.


The Handbook of Water Purity and Quality is a comprehensive guide that equips readers with the knowledge and understanding to ensure clean and safe drinking water. By being aware of common contaminants and implementing effective purification methods, we can protect our health and well-being. Remember, water is life, and maintaining its purity is essential for a healthier future.