FEBER RIDEON MOTO FERRARI F2012 C20 – Product Description


The FEBER RIDEON MOTO FERRARI F2012 C20 is the perfect companion for your child’s first steps. This ride-on toy features a handle under the rear wing that unfolds to provide support and help the child walk by pushing the wearer. It is designed with a sporty look and bright colors, just like a real Ferrari.

One of the key features of this toy is the compartment under the seat, which can be used to store small toys. This allows your child to bring their favorite toys along for the ride, making playtime even more enjoyable.

The steering wheel of the FEBER RIDEON MOTO FERRARI F2012 C20 is equipped with a dashboard that features spinning buttons and sounds. This interactive element adds to the fun and excitement of the toy, providing a realistic driving experience for your little one.

About this item

  • Minimum Age: 12 months+
  • Dimensions: 70.5cm x 33.2cm x 38.7cm
  • Storage compartment under the seat
  • Steering wheel with spinning buttons and sounds
  • Sporty look and bright colors

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the recommended age for this toy?

The FEBER RIDEON MOTO FERRARI F2012 C20 is suitable for children aged 12 to 36 months.

2. Can the storage compartment hold larger toys?

The storage compartment is designed to store small toys. Larger toys may not fit.

3. Are the spinning buttons and sounds safe for children?

Yes, the spinning buttons and sounds are designed to be child-friendly and safe for use.


The FEBER RIDEON MOTO FERRARI F2012 C20 is a fantastic ride-on toy for young children. With its supportive handle, storage compartment, and interactive dashboard, it provides a fun and engaging experience for little ones taking their first steps. The sporty look and bright colors make it a toy worthy of a real Ferrari. Get your child this amazing ride-on toy and watch them zoom around with joy!