HELLA 007560361 Lamp Re 4000 Blk Ff Pos Drv H1 12V 55W E


E-vehicle lighting has been a significant area of growth for HELLA, establishing a strong association between the brand and various lighting solutions. Our extensive product range covers all aspects of vehicle lighting, including headlamps, rear lamps, signal lamps, interior lamps, and lighting electronics. As we look towards the future, our focus is on developing features and technologies that offer tangible benefits to our customers, such as light-based driver assistance systems, LEDs, and innovative design elements.

Main Features

Rallye 4000 Black Driving Beam Lamp 12V H1

The HELLA 007560361 Lamp Re 4000 Blk Ff Pos Drv H1 12V 55W E is a powerful driving beam lamp designed for optimal performance. Its main features include:

Fastening Type: Vertical

The lamp is designed for easy vertical fastening, ensuring a secure and stable installation.

Light Functions: 1 – For Position Light/High Beam

With a single light function, this lamp provides both position light and high beam capabilities, offering versatility and convenience.

Approval Stamp: E1 1928/ECE

The HELLA 007560361 Lamp Re 4000 Blk Ff Pos Drv H1 12V 55W E meets the highest quality standards and has received the E1 1928/ECE approval stamp, guaranteeing its reliability and compliance with regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can this lamp be used in all types of vehicles?

Yes, the HELLA 007560361 Lamp Re 4000 Blk Ff Pos Drv H1 12V 55W E is compatible with a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles.

2. Is the lamp easy to install?

Absolutely! The lamp is designed for easy installation, and its vertical fastening type ensures a hassle-free setup process.

3. Does the lamp come with a warranty?

Yes, HELLA provides a warranty for the 007560361 Lamp Re 4000 Blk Ff Pos Drv H1 12V 55W E, ensuring customer satisfaction and peace of mind.


The HELLA 007560361 Lamp Re 4000 Blk Ff Pos Drv H1 12V 55W E is a top-quality driving beam lamp that offers exceptional performance and reliability. With its easy installation, versatile light functions, and compliance with regulations, it is an excellent choice for all types of vehicles. Trust HELLA to provide innovative and high-quality lighting solutions for your e-vehicle needs.