Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000: The Ultimate Horse Supplement for Weight Gain and Body Conditioning


Are you looking for a high-quality horse supplement that can help your equine friend gain weight, improve hoof quality, and enhance body conditioning? Look no further than Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000. This revolutionary horse supplement is packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and high-fat content to provide your horse with the energy it needs to thrive.

SEO Meta Title: Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000 – The Ultimate Horse Supplement for Weight Gain and Body Conditioning

SEO Meta Description: Discover how Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000 can help your horse gain weight, improve hoof quality, and enhance body conditioning. This high-energy horse supplement is a must-have for every horse owner.

The Key to a Healthy and Well-Conditioned Horse

When it comes to maintaining the health and well-being of your horse, proper nutrition is crucial. Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000 is specially formulated to provide your horse with the essential nutrients it needs for optimal weight gain, high energy levels, and improved hoof quality. This horse supplement is designed to support body conditioning, ensuring that your horse stays in top shape.

Benefits of Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000:

  • Weight gain: The high-fat content in this supplement promotes healthy weight gain in underweight horses.
  • High energy: The carefully selected ingredients provide your horse with the energy it needs for increased performance and stamina.
  • Improved hoof quality: The supplement contains essential nutrients that support hoof health, leading to stronger and healthier hooves.
  • Enhanced body conditioning: With regular use, Body Builder 4000 helps your horse develop and maintain a well-conditioned body.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I feed my horse Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000?

For optimal results, it is recommended to feed your horse Body Builder 4000 twice a day. Follow the feeding instructions provided on the packaging for accurate dosage.

2. Can I use Body Builder 4000 for horses of all ages?

Yes, this horse supplement is suitable for horses of all ages. However, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new supplement to your horse’s diet.

3. How long does it take to see results?

The results may vary depending on the individual horse. However, many horse owners have reported noticeable improvements in weight gain, energy levels, and hoof quality within a few weeks of using Body Builder 4000.


Pennwoods Equine Products Body Builder 4000 is the ultimate horse supplement for weight gain, high energy, and body conditioning. With its carefully selected ingredients and high-fat content, this supplement provides your horse with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. Say goodbye to underweight horses and hello to a healthier, well-conditioned equine companion with Body Builder 4000.