5Strands Equine Health Test

5Strands Equine Health Test

Are you concerned about your horse’s health and well-being? Do you want to ensure that your horse is getting the right nutrition and is not suffering from any intolerances or imbalances? Look no further than the 5Strands Equine Health Test.

Discover the Power of the 5Strands Equine Health Test

The 5Strands Equine Health Test is a revolutionary at-home testing kit that allows you to gain valuable insights into your horse’s health. With just a simple hair sample, you can uncover potential environmental and food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, and metals and minerals imbalances.

Easy and Convenient Testing Process

Collecting a hair sample from your horse is quick and easy. The at-home kit provides detailed instructions on how to properly collect the sample. Once collected, simply send it back to the 5Strands laboratory for analysis.

Comprehensive Results in Just 7 Days

Within 7 days of receiving your horse’s hair sample, you will receive a comprehensive report detailing any potential intolerances, imbalances, or deficiencies. This allows you to take proactive steps to improve your horse’s health and well-being.

Works for All Ages and Breeds

The 5Strands Equine Health Test is suitable for horses of all ages and breeds. Whether you have a young foal or an older horse, this test can provide valuable insights into their health.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How accurate are the test results?
  2. The 5Strands Equine Health Test is highly accurate, providing reliable results that you can trust.

  3. Can I use the test on multiple horses?
  4. Yes, the test can be used on multiple horses. Simply collect a hair sample from each horse and send them in for analysis.

  5. What can I do with the test results?
  6. The test results can help you make informed decisions about your horse’s diet and overall care. You can work with your veterinarian to develop a tailored plan to address any intolerances, imbalances, or deficiencies.


The 5Strands Equine Health Test is a game-changer for horse owners who want to ensure the optimal health and well-being of their horses. With its easy and convenient testing process, comprehensive results, and suitability for all ages and breeds, this test is a must-have for any horse owner. Take the first step towards improving your horse’s health today!